Leave looking up
The podcast about staying optimistic against all odds.
Project drawdown
The world’s leading resource for climate solutions.
Systemic venture building
How to create social ventures that can achieve transformative change.
How inclusion shapes design.
Inner development goals
A framework of transformational skills for sustainable development.
10 bite-size lessons learned from nature
In this article, I capture 10 nature-inspired lessons I’ve learned from over a decade of being active in the field of Biomimicry. I hope they give some fruitful inspiration for further thought. Which lesson resonates with you the most? Why? There is no better place to learn from nature than being in nature. I gained the treasure of spending […]
Doughnut design for business
A guide to redesigning businesses through Doughnut Economics.
Doughnut economics
Seven ways to think like a 21st century economist.
Net positive
How courageous companies thrive by giving more than they take.
Dimensional design
A modern and inclusive approach to people segmentation.